Hello, I use my laptop in 1600x1200 (24 bits), but when I go in a smaller resolution (1024x768) I have some pieces of the picture that copied several time on the screen :(
If I use my laptop in 16bits modes I have no problem unless I want to use 800x600. But if I use 8bits mode I can use all the resolutions that I want. How can i use all the modes in 24bits ? Thanks, Nicolas. PS: I have a Dell C800 1600x1200 (15inch), ATI M4 (32Mo) --------------------------------------------------- Nicolas Malandain Laboratoire PSI -- http://www.insa-rouen.fr/psi Dpt ASI - INSA Rouen -- http://asi.insa-rouen.fr Tel : +33 - Fax : +33 e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------------------------------------------------- "Un conducteur dangereux, c'est celui qui vous dépasse malgré tous vos efforts pour l'en empêcher." Woody Allen