* Doc - KD4E ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [011026 23:39]:
> I ran "grub-install /dev/hda" and got this ... 
> (fd0)  /dev/fd0
> (hd0) /dev/hda

You must not have DEVFS like I do.

> > So I edit it changing the following:
> > #kopt=root=/dev/hda2 ro vga=ext
> Aren't these commented-out?  How can they change anything?

They are, because they are used by update-grub, not by GRUB it self.
update-grub is magic that works behind the GRUB's scenes.

> BTW:  What does "vga=ext" do, please?

Sets the video *text* mode to extended.  I do a lot of work in text
mode, so this helps by giving me more characters than 80x25 (I think
80x40 or something, I forget).

> > To make sure dpkg -i kernel-image* correctly runs grub instead of
> > lilo I have the following in /etc/kernel-img.conf:
> > postrm_hook = /sbin/update-grub
> > postinst_hook = /sbin/update-grub

> I don't where to place these in that file.

Anywhere.  The file probably doesn't exist (it didn't on my system).
It shouldn't matter where.

> > # These turn off the bootloader (lilo) prompts and the boot floppy
> > # prompts
> > do_bootloader = no
> > do_bootfloppy = no
> Nor do I know where to place these.

Ditto.  Shouldn't matter where.

> > Hope this helps!
> > -- Walt Kelly

As much as I wish I was as famous as Walt Kelley, he I ain't.
That's from my .sig quote.

> Thanks!  Doc 


PS: I'm not Groucho Marx either. :-)

A child of five could understand this. fetch me a child of five.
        -- Groucho Marx

The Doctor What: Guru to the Gods                http://docwhat.gerf.org/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                   KF6VNC

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