Note: I'm re-posting this to the debian-laptops list too, in case
someone there has any ideas.

>>>>> "Doc" == "Doc  <- KD4E" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> writes:

Doc> /lib/modules/2.2.18/pcmcia/ has a bunch of modules, including the
Doc> one I need "3c589_cs.o" but 2.2.18 is the old kernel -- I upgraded
Doc> to Woody which I imagine is 2.4.10 or something from Testing.

Hubert> Upgrading to Woody should not install a new kernel for you,
Hubert> unless you specifically request it to.  What does "uname -r"
Hubert> say?  That will tell you what kernel version you have.

Doc> 2.2.18 :-(

OK.  If you're still on 2.2.18, then the old pcmcia-modules should still
work.  My guess is that Woody and Progeny have a different set of
startup scripts, and somehow the upgrade cause the PCMCIA stuff to not
get loaded.  Unfortunately I don't know much about that stuff, so
hopefully someone else will.

Does doing "/etc/init.d/pcmcia restart" help anything?  What does it

How about "modprobe pcmcia_core"?


Doc> I am afraid I will need to re-install Progeny, wiping out all of
Doc> the upgrade stuff, then need to first download and save the most
Doc> current necessary .gz files for pcmcia and the newest decent kernel
Doc> version that will run under Woody, and only then run the Woody
Doc> upgrade.

Doc> This way when the Progeny->Woody upgrade destroys pcmcia I can then
Doc> uncompress the saved kernel upgrade files and pcmcia files and
Doc> install a more current kernel and a compatible pcmcia setup.

Doc> So, your wise counsel as to what kernel & pcmcia files I need to
Doc> download and stash prior to upgrading to Woody?

I don't know if you can call my advice "wise counsel".  I mostly make
guesses based on my own experiences with Debian and Linux.  Most of the
time my guesses are right or close.

Hmm.  You might try putting the pcmcia-cs package on hold.  Do
  echo pcmcia-cs hold | dpkg --set-selections
before you upgrade.  Maybe there's some conflict between the new
pcmcia-cs and the old modules.

Other than that, I can't think of anything else that you would need to
hold back.

I assume you're using apt-get to do the upgrade?  Are you using "apt-get
upgrade"? or "apt-get dist-upgrade"?

Doc> I really only want to do this one more time!

Have you looked at the Progeny Debian -> Debian Woody conversion page?

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|  /   --+--
| /   ___|___    Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| \   | _|_ |
|__|  |__|__|    Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and
|        |       think what nobody else has thought.
|      / | \                                                  -- anonymous
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