On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 11:02:08AM -0700, Dr. Joseph Lewis wrote:
> Hello.
> I am a new faculty member in the computer science department of San 
> Diego State University beginning my research program in machine 
> learning.

welcome aboard joeseph, to both this excellent list and sdsu (i'm a fellow
faculty member).

> Now I have purchased a machine that is entirely mine to administer--
> unfortunately with several deviations from the specs I submitted--and 
> I find that, between my unfamiliarity with the installation process 
> and the many gotchas that seem to lurk out there for laptop installs, 
> I'm not quite sure how to even begin. Sadly the support staff here is 
> not only swamped by its duties to the entire school of science, but 
> they seem hesitant to do a Debian install (SDSU being a very Windows 
> intensive place :(

sdsu is _slowly_ changing. the student chapter of acm has a linux lab
and we have one over in geography.

> If anyone has the time to give me a few pointers or to be willing to 
> dialog by email over the next several days, I would greatly 
> appreciate it. I'll provide details on all the hardware and other 
> specs as soon as I hear from you. As a heads up though, my machine is 
> a Dell Latitude C810 used with a docking station.

i'd be happy to help, as i'm sure many on this list would. the more
details you can give on specific issues, the more targetted the feedback
will be.

> If you can help get me going and be there to point to the right 
> resources, I suspect I can take it from there. After all, I am a 
> professor of computer science! :)

in addition to this list, you might want to take a peek at:
to scan for your make and model.

Sergio J. Rey   http://typhoon.sdsu.edu/rey.html
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Windows: Where do you want to go today?
MacOS  : Where do you want to be tomorrow?
Linux  : Are you coming or what?
        - June 2000 issue of Linux Journal

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