On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 01:26:50PM +0100, Nuno Miguel Fernandes Sucena Almeida 
>       i have a toshiba satellite pro 4600 with that chipset. You can
> check the xpert mailinglist at xfree86.org, especially the last two 
> months. Right now i'm using the card through linux fb at 1024x768x16 (a bit 
> slow mas manageable) with xfree 3.3.6 (debian stable). I've managed also to 
> put it working a lot faster with at 1024x768(X cvs) and with 4.1.0 
> (but just at 800x600). If you want i can send you the config files.

Yes, that'd be a great help. Thanks.

Is the CVS version of XFree86 significantly different from the
prerelease packages at http://people.debian.org/~branden/ ?

Also, any pointers to documents on compiling your own XFree for
debian? A quick google search didn't turn up anything useful.

(peter.royal|osi)@pobox.com - http://pobox.com/~osi - uin#153025
your brain on life - http://fotap.org - incubating

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin, ~1784

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