În data de  4/10/2001, 17:11:17, Curt Howland a scris:
> Unfortunately, that is what is failing. I have done this many, many
> times before, having used Debian since 1996. This is the first time that
> having the text highlighted has not caused it to be copied into the
> Netscape clipboard.

So you can't paste it even with Ctrl-v from Netscape?
In my case if the selected text is still highlighted, I can press 
middle button or Ctrl-v, and I get the text in Netscape.
> Any thoughts? Would the particular window manager I'm using matter? I'm
> not even sure which ones I have on this machine. But I can easily make
> sure that "olwm" is the only one available. Is there a way to tell which
> one KDE is launching?

It might be a problem of Xwindows manager. As I said I don't know KDE.
I use fvwm(2). This you get it by having a line fvwm in your
$/HOME/.xsession which has to be executable. But this is for xdm. gdm
and kde uses different configuration files. Can't help you here, sory.

For how long did you used kde?


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