on Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 01:31:36AM +0200, Martin Skøtt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Hi
> I got Debian testing running on my Thinkpad T22 a couple of months ago thanks
> to this list and it has been working almost like a charm ever since :-)
> The problem is that I am experiencing random lockups of the machine. The 
> machine blocks completely and the only thing I can do is to turn it off. There
> is absolutely no response from the keyboard (the caps lock LED doensn't even 
> work!). Am I the only one experiencing this? It doesn't matter which app I'm
> using at the time[1]. 
> I'm using a custom 2.4.5 kernel with SGI XFS patched in. A journalised FS is
> really nice on a machine that crashes every now and then :-)
> [1]It happens most of the time in Mozilla or StarOffice, but that is where I
> do most of my work.

Things I'd check:

  - Memory.
  - Swap partition corruption.
  - System logs.
  - Speedstep.  I've had bad luck with this.  Is your CPU Speedstep
    enabled?  Try disabling this in BIOS.  In my case, a flakey power
    supply lead to toggling of system power state, and Speedstep status,
    which would eventually hose the system.
  - Reiser.  I'm not sure how 2.4.5 sits WRT Reiser, but there's a long
    history of problems.  Your situation doesn't match descriptions I've

If that doesn't get it, try disabling support for various modules until
the system becomes stable.  There was a Samba bug that bit my ass back
in 2.2.12.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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