>   Sounds promising.
>   How exactly do I associate the orinoco_cs to this card.  Everytime
> it starts up it's identified as a wvlan_cs card and loads up from
> there. I'm unclear how I can set this association to over-ride the
> default wvlan_cs.

Well uninstall the pcmcia_cs package by purging itself. Get the latest 
pcmcia_cs package from source forge and compile it some modification 
will be necessary in the Makefile but i do not remember here. Compile 
and install it. 

mobprobe orinoco_cs and launch cardinfo, you will get your card status.

You could maybe use the kernel module too but i don't really try to do 
it but i read you could.

My configuration is a 2.4.9 kernel home made, a pcmcia_cs home made, 
before this version of the kernel i use the wvlan_cs module to make my 
TrueMobile wireless card works and after the upgrade to 2.4.9 kernel, i 
change the module. That the hermes.conf file that help me making the 
correct modprobe call when the pcmcia daemon is running. You will have 
to get this file on the web (thanks google)


+---- \\\// --[Sebastien 'Tito' Cazajous -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|     (0 -)              [http://tito.eikonex.org]            |
+-oOO--(_)--OOo-------- -> Use Debian GNU/LinuX <- -----------+

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