Glen Mehn wrote:

did you try the 2.4.9 in-kernel pcmcia stuff? It's been working like a charm 
for me (well, I think I had to change all the ide_cs to ide-cs -- or vice versa 
-- to properly mount my CF card in a pcmcia adapter.

just that you need the tools in pcmcia-cs.

I also couldn't get the pcmcia-cs package to compile with make-kpkg modules -- 
but it's all working perfectly as described above.

ThinkPad 600e, 2.4.9 kernel, woody.


thinkpad a21m, 2.4.9 kernel, woody.

I may have to try the kernel pcmcia stuff - but I don't see the driver I need in the list. I may be SOL. I'm really bummed right now because this pcmcia build worked OK with the 2.2. kernel and I can't get anything to work at all at this point.

Event the reinstallation of the pcmcia-cs debian package doesn't 'fix' anything for me at all. Since nothing compiles and nothing functions I can only assume that it is horribly horribly broken.

I can get the source code to compile - but that doesn't do anything for Debian.

I think I'll stick with the source for the kernel & pcmcia until I hear something better about it. Right now I've lost a ton of function since my upgrade and nothing in woody seems to be able to get any of it working.
Sound is gone
irda is gone
pcmcia is gone
the only thing that does work is ethernet, video, and the ide/pci buss - but even that some something wrong with it. hdpar -tT shows a pathetic <4MB/s transfer rate on a ATA100 drive. I should be able to do MUCH better than this.

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