Hi, thanks for all useful hints (I got new hope).

What I did:
* installed ssmtp and mutt
* customized /etc/muttrc like Clayton told
* dialled in with pppd (www-browser worked)
* started mutt with: mutt -F /etc/muttrc
* --- no mails downloaded from ISP-POP - no messages from mutt --- ?

* What did I wrong?
* My local Emailaddress is [EMAIL PROTECTED] - the Address the ISP knows is
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - do I have to make a "pipe" (like in fetchmail)?
* How do I "tell" mutt to communicate with the ISP-account)
  (invoke the fetchmail function)?
* Is the "standard" mutt (debian package) not compiled with POP3-support?
* Is ssmtp to weak to support mutt this way?


> Von:  Clayton Carter [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       If the ISP supports POP email, mutt can be used without
> fetchmail.  The relevant configuration variables (for your muttrc)
> are:
> set pop_user = 
> set pop_pass = 
> set pop_host = 
> unset pop_delete
> unset pop_last
> set pop_port = 110
>       Documentation on those is can be found at:
> http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/manual-6.html#ss6.3

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