I had a similar problem when I did a potato install and
upgraded to unstable.  I got around it by commenting out any
axnet drivers in the /etc/pcmcia/* .

On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 09:50:27AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> I Recently installed Debian on a laptop with a flaky cd-rom and no floppy 
> drive.  I accomplished this magnificent feat by borrowing a 40-44 pin IDE 
> Adapter and starting the installation on a desktop machine.  the 
> installation went OK, I was using the woody boot disks because I had heard 
> there were problems with my laptop and the potato disks (or maybe it was 
> all toshiba laptops, I don't recall)  anyway I did the Base install on the 
> desktop machine.  then put the HD Back into the laptop.  when I tried ot 
> get the PCMCIA Ethernet working It wouldn't detect the card.  it kept 
> automatically loading an axnet (or something similar sounding) driver. the 
> card is a trendnet TE-210CT (ne2k clone) I have much experience with 
> PCMCIA or Linux for that matter ,any input would be greatly appreciated.
> Andre

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