I've already done the following:
- compiled kernel with console on serial-device
- added append= line to lilo.conf wiht console=38400,/dev/ttyS0
- connected cable
The format for the lilo.conf entry should be console=device,options
thanx, but don't forget the quote around it or lilo will complain.
I had the fortmat correct, it's just the client-side setup that keeps me
busy now.
I generally use minicom on the client. Create a file called minirc.ttyS0
(assuming you're client is connecting from ttS0) with this info:
pr port /dev/ttyS0
pu baudrate 38400
pu minit
pu mreset
pu mhangup
and put it in /etc (or /etc/minicom/ depending on the version you're
using). Then launch minicom like this
minicom ttyS0
it should connect with the appropriate values for youf lilo on the
target machine.
Also, don't forget to add the appropriate getty entry in /etc/inittab so
you can get a serial login once the system is booted
T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 38400 vt100