I appreciate the acknowledgement that I'm not insane. But I'm trying to figure out right now in dselect how a package 'manpages' is in conflict with the package 'lilo'. Similarly with Perl5.00 (which isn't on the woody branch). My biggest problem that I'm running into right now is trying to get the upgrade through (doing it now) without removing packages like lilo, sysvinit, and a few other REQUIRED packages....
Right now, I have very little faith in the dselect application 
under the current woody install.  Like I said, I was able to get 
it working once and have had great succes with it ever since, but 
I have not clue how the upgrade will work from time point in time 
Adam Kessel wrote:
On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 08:31:14AM -0400, Tom Allison wrote:

significant problems other than the deb packages seem to have all there relationships in "dysfunctional" mode.
Has anyone else been finding upgrades to woody getting better or 
I've done five or six installations on different systems and architectures
over the past few months and all of them have had some stage of this
'dysfunctional mode' you refer to.  Eventually things fell back in place and
started working quite well, and I'm afraid I don't have a consistent lesson
I took out of it to explain how/why.

Often, it's been necessary to look at the exact packages it's looking for
and get them manually and install them with dpkg -i.  This may not be
correct, but it seems like once you get a critical mass of things working,
apt becomes functional again.


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