Hi Paul,

On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 10:49:24PM -0500,  Paul C. Nendick  wrote:
> When I issue `/etc/init.d/pcmcia start`, I get:
> /lib/modules/2.4.9-586tsc/pcmcia/i82365.o: unresolved symbol 
> isapnp_find_dev_R76S1deff
> ds: no socket drivers loaded!

> I have tried both the default settings in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts and
> settings that force the IRQ to be 10.  

I didn't need to force the IRQ at all.  The error message that you have
indicates a problem during the module load phase - you need to solve that
before worrying about resources.  i82365.o is actually the PCMCIA bridge,
so you'll find you've got a problem with all PCMCIA cards, not just your
network card.  It is within the kernel image that you have installed, I

I would suggest either trying to compile a kernel yourself using
kernel-source-2.4.x and make-kpkg, or installing another kernel image,
maybe an older version such as 2.4.8 or 7, or maybe just the vanilla i386
flavour instead of the Pentium one.  

I used a 3CCFEM556B with my old laptop in testing for quite a while.  I had
problems with the potato installer and ended up using another card get to
going, but after that everything worked without much effort at all.


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