
I don't think you will have any joy with this project.  First of all,
PCMCIA soundcards are not supported by the pcmcia-source package
(according to SUPPORTED.CARDS), second, your CPU is too slow to play
MP3's in software, at least at sensible bitrates -- unless you use
DOS, in which case the situation may be different, but I don't know.

You might find it interesting that the German magazine c't ran a
couple of articles about building a hardware MP3 decoder that receives
its data via parallel port, for which you need no more than a 286 and
no soundcard.  The issue numbers are 9 and 10/1999.

Good luck


On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 02:27:09PM +0200, Robert Waldner wrote:
> I?ll be getting an old 486/40-notebook in the near future which I?d 
>  like to recycle as an mp3-player for my stereo.
> Now, obviously, since the box doesn?t have sound built-in, I?ll need a 
>  pcmcia-soundcard. Does anyone round here
> - know of one
> - is running it successfully w/ debian?

Rolf Heckemann (Dr. med.)       Research Fellow
Department of Imaging           Hammersmith Hospital, London

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