Giovanni Borri, 2001-Aug-27 07:00 +0200:
> hi to everyone,
> i have a big problem, infact i try to install either potato and woody and X
> work good, but when i try to make vmware work it crash.
> i have an armada e500 with ATI Rage mobility P and 15' tft laptop video.
> i tried to install the new driver for ati with DGA acceleration, but vmware
> said to me that acceleration doesn't work.
> if someone can hep me i'll appreciate.
> thank you
> bye
> Giovanni

   What is you color depth set to on X?  I had to up mine to at
   least 24, at 16 or 8, vmware crashes or gives me a message
   about this.  I run at 32 now and it works nicely.


Jeff Coppock            Nortel Networks
Systems Engineer
Major Accts.            Santa Clara, CA

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