>I just bought an Inspiron 8000. I cannot get X going. None of the >drivers work for it. Everyone says the Rage128 is the one, but apparently >is not, unless I'm doing something wrong. I have tried to upgrade to >XFree86 4.1.0. This didn't solve it. I reinstalled Debian with Woody, >this did not solve it, neither did 4.1.0 with Woody.
Thank you for the reply. Maybe you can help me further. I currenly have the potato Debian, with the Woody xserver install, 4.0.3. I also installed xserver_rage128 from the Woody install, (if it makes a diffence), but when I go into XF86Setup and click on rage128, it says that the xserver for my card is not installed. Am I doing something wrong that you can tell. Please send me your config file.(Noah) Oh, that reminds me, I have attempted some other config files I have found on the web, they are all called XF86Config-4, but when I type startx, 4.0.3 says it is looking for an XF86Config file, and if I change the name and drop the -4, there are paragraphs in the file that it doesn't like and aborts, so they are obviously different. Should 4.0.3 look for the config file with -4 at the end, or should I update something else? Thanks again for all of the help, Thank you for your help and for any more help that you can give. Jeremy -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail2Web - Check your email from the web at http://www.mail2web.com/ .