W is wait for second dial tone on some modems when the result codes
are set to X3 or higher. Look for a reference to the AT command set or
use something like minicom to connect to the modem and try ATD$ - on
some modems that will give you help on the dialing commands.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 09:30:38AM -0500, Clayton Carter wrote:
>       Try using commas (,).  eg:
> 1800CALLATT,,1234,,123455MYISP
>       The commas usually insert pauses into the dialing string.  I
> guess this is standard (I remember using it on Windows to cancel call
> waiting (ie - *70,5551234) and I've used it under GNU/Linux also) but
> I had to dig pretty deep for it.  (I searched Google for `linux ppp
> pause' and they gave a link to a 5 year old copy of the PPP HOWTO!)
>       There's no explicit way to tell it to `wait for a tone', not
> that I'm aware of anyway, so you'll just have to play with the commas
> until you get something that works.  (ie - add or delete commas)
>       Also, I've been using WvDial for a while and I've found it
> quite nice.  You can define multiple calling profiles so that you
> don't have to keep editing the script when you travel.  You could have
> a dialer profile for home (the default) and travel ( or something),
> with home as the default.  Then, whenever you're at home, a simple
> `wvdial` will connect for you, but a `wvdial travel` will work when
> you're away.  I use this for when I visit my parents, so that I can
> use thier ISP.
>       Anyway, how it works!
> --c
> On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 01:52:01PM -0700, Mark Barnes wrote:
> > I use the scripts configured with pppconfig to dial my service provider.  
> > When I'm local, the script just dials the 7-digit number.  When I'm 
> > travelling outside of my service provider's area, I edit the script 
> > (/etc/chatscripts/provider) and add the area code.  I'd like to edit the 
> > script to: (1) dial the toll-free number on my long-distance calling card, 
> > (2) wait for the tone, (3) enter the 4-digit code, (4) wait for a dial 
> > tone, and (5) dial the ISP's phone number.  I've looked over the 
> > documnetation, but I can't figure out how to get those pauses into the 
> > script.  Can anyone point me in the right direction here?  I use scripts 
> > from the Debian ppp package, but if one of the other dialers (wvdial, 
> > diald, x-isp) handles this better, I'd switch.
> > 
> > 
> > Perhaps this question is only peripherally related to laptops, or to 
> > Debian; if so, I'll apologize in advance.
> > 
> > 

Lee Bradshaw                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Texas Instruments            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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