On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 05:44:18AM -0300, Rog?rio Brito wrote:
>       Unfortunately, I can't help with this problem, but I'm a
>       newbie with regard to laptops. I just acquired mine, a
>       (second-hand) Compaq Armada V300, two weeks ago and with my
>       ignorance on the subject, I partitioned my HD without any
>       hibernation partition.
>       So, my question is: does the Compaq Armada V300 need this
>       partition? Should I create it with the lphdisk utility or
>       should I use another one?
>       I just read parts of the Laptop Howto, but these questions
>       where not answered there and I'd love to have my laptop
>       working as well as possible under Linux.
>       I'd appreciate any handholding or directions that people can
>       provide me.

You only need a hibernation partition if you a) want to enter suspend
mode (i. e. powersaving without shutting your computer down, b) your
BIOS supports saving its RAM state to such a partition and c) you want
to give up the necessary harddisk space (RAM size plus video RAM size
plus slack).  lphdisk is for Phoenix BIOS's only.  It won't hurt you
to do 'apt-get install lphdisk' and read the docs for it, though.

Good luck


Rolf Heckemann
High on Linux since kernel 1.2.9

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