On Sun, 12 Aug 2001, Jeff Coppock wrote:

>    I use rsync to sync my ~/Mail directories from my laptop to
>    my backup server.  I use maildirs, and it works nicely. 
>    However, I don't use these mail directories on the backup
>    server, accept for reference and backup.  I don't think rsync
>    will copy changes made on the backup server to my laptop, at
>    least I haven't determined that yet.  I also like the fact
>    that I can use ssh to run the rsync process over.
I think rsync can be used both ways. Besiides, if you have access to the
other box your rsync'ing to, you can start an rsync from there back to the

>    rsync -e ssh -q --times --update --delete -r ~/stuff
>    <servername>:<backupdir>
>    You could also check out "catchup":
>    http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~neilb/oss/catchup/
>    I haven't used catchup, so I can't comment.
>    jc
> -- 
> Jeff Coppock          Nortel Networks
> Systems Engineer      http://nortelnetworks.com
> Major Accts.          Santa Clara, CA
> --  
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Andor Demarteau

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