Hi Arvydas

On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 09:08:30AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I tried to install pcmcia network card 3com (3ccfe575ct) with 2.4.7
> kernel and it's hangs. i tried pcmcia-cs 3.1.27 pakage also and it
> also didn't help.With 2.2.18 kernel i have no problem with this card.
> maybe anyone known how to solve this problem ?

I to have a 3C575 card, but in the 2.4.x kernel set support is now
provided by the 3c59x driver.  I found on the web (somewhere I don't
quite remember where :-( sorry) details on how to configure the 
system so that it works.

Taking a look at my config files I have extracted the following 

  1) To `/etc/modutils/aliases' I added the lines:
     # Alias mapping for the 3c575-series Cardbus cards
     alias eth0 3c59x

  2) In '/etc/pcmcia/config' I commented out the driver
     for the 3c575_cb device:

     # device "3c575_cb"
     #  class "network" module "cb_enabler", "3c575_cb"

  3) To `/etc/pcmcia/config.opts' I added the following

     device "eth0"
       class "network" module "eth0"

     card "3Com 3c575-TX Fast EtherLink XL"
       manfid 0x0101, 0x5057
       bind "eth0"

     module "eth0" opts "debug=3 rx_copybreak=300"

  4) In my 2.4.x kernel config I the following Ethernet (10 or
     100 Mbit) options set:


     Note that the VORTEX driver is a module so it can be loaded 
     when the card is inserted.

Hope this helps

     _       _     _
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 / _  |/ _ \|  _ \|  _ \ / _ \   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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