I have an old IBM 385ED, works dandy... Modem and ethernet are external (pcmcia or via serial/paralel ports), just gotta make sure there's a FAT16 partiton for the hibernation file (the size of your installed RAM)... Only issue I have is BIOS limits HD size to 5.1 GB.
Friend's got a couple of Toshiba Satellites he got through work that work just as well, same approx. size, same pointer (eraser in the middle of keyboard), same screen size.. ----- Original message ----- From: Chris Ivanovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 11:09:27 -0500 Greetings fellow Debianers... I was hoping I could get some personal opinions here. I currently have Debian running on a server in my house, and a Macintosh notebook. I'm now looking to fire up a PC notebook with it, as well. I'm looking for recommendations as to what brand and model I should look for (or stay away from). I don't want to spend more than $800 for the beast, so getting something that is new is _not_ important. I would prefer something with an active matrix screen, built in modem and ethernet, and CD drive. And the smaller and lighter the better - but certainly not the most important consideration. And I _won't_ be running Windoze on it. Any thoughts out there from your experience? Thanks, Chris -- The plan was simple. Unfortunately, so was Bullwinkle.