On Monday 11 June 2001 16:13, Vivek Dasmohapatra wrote:
> > Has anybody got the VESA framebuffer to work on a Thinkpad 560? I
> > compiled a new kernel, with VESA fb and all the other things stated
> > in the framebuffer-HOWTO activated, put vga=ask in my lilo.conf,
> > reran lilo and rebooted. I get to the menu, where I can choose the
> > mode,
> Depending on your version of lilo, you may have to put the number,
> translated into decimal, into your lilo.conf, and turn off vga=ask.
> Not all versions of lilo understand the hax modes, and I'm not sure
> they can be entered through the vga=ask method anyway.

Also it should be 512+VESA-number.

So the 800x600 mode in question can be achieved through "vga=771".

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