Before I compile a new kernel and pcmcia modules, I do 'make
   mrproper' which get's rid of all files created from a
   subsequent compile.  I do this in the linux and pcmcia source
   directories, and then start the compile processes and I don't
   get screamed at.

Thusly Thwacked By Jonathan Crockett:
> Two quick question.  Do you set version information on all module symbols?
> and secondly between the revs do you do a make clean and then a make-kpkg 
> clean or just the make-kpkg clean?  Also I noticed that you have an = in your
> revision statement.  Try it like so --revision yymmdd.hostname.1 
> I had very similar problems in the past.
> HTH 
> > make-kpkg --revisioin=010607.1 kernel_image
> > (my revisioning is yymmdd.x)
> -- 
> Jonathan Crockett
> Network Engineer
> Midcontinent Communications

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