On Thursday 31 May 2001 05:40, Pedro "I." Sanchez wrote:
> While on an X session, and if connected to an external monitor, I can
> switch the video output to either the flat panel (LCD) OR to the
> external monitor by pressing Fn-F7 (this is the CRT/LCD switch function)
> but not to both devices simultaneously.This quite annoying to me when
> doing presentations.
> I dual boot this laptop with Window NT. When running NT, Fn-F7 cycles
> the video output as LCD--CRT--LCD/CRT--LCD--CRT--LCD/CRT..., so I know
> the laptop can drive both video outputs simultaneously. Also, I just
> noticed that selecting "Full Screen" mode in VMware while running in CRT
> mode switches the display to both LCD and CRT simultaneously!

That is very strange.  What version of the kernel do you use?  Do you use the 
frame-buffer device?

I used to have a problem on my Thinkpad T20 with X server version <=4.0.2 
which meant that Fn-F7 would do nothing at all if I was in X.  This was very 
strange because I could switch to a console and Fn-F7 would work perfectly.  
At the time I was using the FBDEV X server, so having two FB applications 
operating in different ways was quite weird.

I am not certain that my problem was solved by upgrading the X server, I was 
also tracking the new kernels at the time and it could have been a kernel 
upgrade.  It works fine now with kernel 2.4.4 but broke with ~2.4.0.

I hope this helps your investigation.

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