On Monday 28 May 2001 15:50, Olaf Stetzer wrote:
> Since 5 weeks after updating some packages from unstable (including
> lilo and mbr) I am no longer able to boot my laptop from hdd!! :-(

I have CC'd this message to the MBR maintainer in case they are not 
subscribed to this list.

> After some investigations I found that lilo may be incompatible with
> SystemSonft Bioses and so I tried to use boot-compat.b instead of
> boot.b .

OK.  However I notice that you are putting the boot sector on /dev/hda2 which 
suggests to me that the use of boot.b or boot-compat.b will not make any 
differance.  I believe that boot-compat.b only helps you if you have 
boot=/dev/hda , although having never tested that code I can not be certain...

If you have boot=/dev/hda then I think it is likely to work.  In your 
situation I doubt that there is a reason to use the Debian-mbr that is 
compelling enough for you to do otherwise.

BTW  I would prefer if it you CC'd me on all Debian-lilo issues, and I think 
it would be beneficial to CC manty on all Debian-mbr issues.

> I tried a lot of different settings in lilo.conf but without sucess....
> Just some additional infos that might help:
> The problem startet with lilo hanging after LIL-
> I then reran a newer version of lilo and then even this message
> disappeared, now only the bios message which asks for a system
> disk to be inserted is displayed. I even tried to run install-mbr
> with different options still without success!!!
> Heres is my lilo.conf and partition-table:
> boot=/dev/hda2
> root=/dev/hda4
> # This file was created automatically by liloconfig
> # Automatic creation, will do it every time
> # run dpkg-reconfigure lilo if you want to change the way this operates
> install=/boot/boot-compat.b
> delay=20
> map=/boot/map
> vga=normal
> lba32
> read-only
> image=/boot/vmlinuz
>     label=Linux
> other=/boot/vmlinuz.old
>     label=OLD-Linux
>                             Disk Drive: /dev/hda
>                              Size: 6007357440 bytes
>               Heads: 240   Sectors per Track: 63   Cylinders: 776
>     Name  Flags       Part Type  FS Type     [Label]    Size(MB)
> ------------------------------------------------------
>                               Unusable                                   
> 7.75 hda1                   Primary   OS/2 hidden C: drive  286.44
>     hda2    Boot        Primary   Linux ext2                     7.75
>     hda3                   Primary   Linux swap                100.64
>     hda4                   Primary   Linux ext2                5604.81

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