For your netstat -r command to work it must be able to resolve to DNS.  wvdial 
on't setup your DNS when it starts PPP.  You have to make sure your 
/etc/resolv.conf file reflects to appropriate DNS info for the connection 
you're making.  Here's what it should look like:

# /etc/resolv.conf
domain     # optional
search com.

I switch out this file for the different networks I work from.


On Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 10:17:21PM +0200, Vincent Laisney wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem for the configuration of ppp (pppd) with a combi-card
> modem+ethernet. I use either ethenet or a ppp-connection with an ISP. 
> I have tried wvdialconfig for the configuration and i could not resolve
> the
> domaines names. I have also tried pppconfig (where it is possible to
> specify
> a static-dns-server. But it doesn't work. With 
> netstat -rn
> I get no default line.
> I have tried to set up directly a route with
> route add default gw
> and I get the following error
> SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
> The problem is maybe that Linux is trying to use eth0 for finding the
> dns-serveer but the pcmcia card isn't connected to any network.
> Can somebody help me?
> Thanks
> Vincent Laisney

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