----- F
I can't imagine that you can't do a straight(startup/install) boot from the
CD, so going on from that assumption:
     Boot frm CD into install
     exit to shell
     fsck primary linux part(hda2?)  - if that's usable go on, if not your
     make mount point  ( I use /tmp/root or the like)
     mount primary linux
     From here on its more free form:
     -,  save what data you absolutely need to floppy
     - might try undoing last step : or
     free up some space the normal way (deleting stuff you can get along
without for a short while)
     maybe try copying  the modules from the CD to the /target/lib/modules
dir for the 2.2.17
Hope this helps.

The computer:-
Gateway 5150 Notebook, PII-233, 64MB RAM, IBM DKLA 4.6 GB HDD

Came with Win98.
Split and loaded RH6.0, then Debian 2.2r0
Dumped RH
Dumped Win98
Loaded NT4.0 (SP6)

The latter made it necessary to boot off floppy as I have yet to find a
way to make it boot through the NT loader.

I have updated/upgraded regularly (last on 26th) . Decided to upgrade my
Helix-Gnome 1.2 to the latest Ximian 1.4.
This is where the problems started - I ran out of disk space during the
install. Freed up some space bu the installer would not run. Used dpkg
to install the packages which had not been completed and capt and
apt-get update/upgrade were happy.

This is where old habits got me. I have in the past had success in using
a floppy boot of Win98 and Partition Magic 4.0. I thought I would add
more space for Deb - there was free space from the dump of RH.

When all was done the machine would not boot. At this point I went into
panic. I reasoned that I could re-install the kernel (2.2.17 unchanged
from the original installation) off the CD.

It's downhill all the way from here.  At one point I was able to run
using "rescue root=/dev/hda2" and got a basic boot but with vast
quantities of:
modprobe: can't open dependencies file /lib/modules/2.2.17/modules.dep
(no such file or directory).
I was able to log on as root - no password.

Having booted off the CD and mounting /dev/hda2 on /target I found
/target/lib/modules -> /target/lib/modules/
I found that there was a modules.old and reasoned that changing modules
to module -> modules.old might fix the problem.
I can't boot it at all now.
At this point I decided that I had better seek advice.

The partition table:

Primary         NTFS       996.6
Extended                       1085.3
     Logical    NTFS         502
     Free                              583.2
Free                                   110.7
Prim    Linux Swap        132.9
Prim    Linux ext2        1801.4

                                            Cfdisk /dev/hda
hda1    Boot    primary NTFS             1045.1
hda5                 Logical  NTFS              526.42
                           Logical  free                   727.70
hda4                 Primary  Lin Sw          139.35
hda2                  Primary  Lin ext2     1888.02

I have been using Comminicator 4.76 for mail and news and, at a minimum,
I would hope to rescue the mail.
Naturally I'm hoping that you guys will be able to help me rescue this

I'll accept the flames but please offer some usefull advise.

More in hope than expectation,

Tim Wood

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