Hi, I try to install Teles.S0/Teles.BRI PCMCIA card into my laptop. I tried the stock kernel 2.2.18 and a recompiled 2.2.19. Compiled it as a module. When I try to insert (modprobe hisax) into kernel 2.2.19 the isdnutils reports that the hisax module is not inserted. But lsmod gives a list with hisax in the kernel. Looking at the system log there's a report from the hisax module about Approval certification failed because of unauthorized source changes.
I got MD5 errors when I was compiling the kernel around the hisax module. When I tried the 2.4.3 kernel then there was a mismatch between the isdnutils and the kernel. I try to rebuild the isdnutils from source that may help. Does isdnutils work with 2.4.x kernel? I cannot insert the hisax module into the 2.2.18 stock kernel. Gabor