On Thursday 26 April 2001 15:37, Andrew D Dixon wrote:
> Tiarnan O'Corrain wrote:
> > Hey all...
> >
> > I recompiled my kernel 2.4.2, and did all of the System.map,
> > vmlinuz copying, then ran LILO (which seemed quite happy).
> > However, when I boot the computer, I get the following prompt,
> > after which it freezes:
> >   LIL-
> I had a similar problem.  Mine was due to a corrupt boot sector.  I fixed
> it by running
> >fdsk /mbr
> (or something like that I can't exactly recall) from a windoz startup disk.
> This will kill your boot sector and "fix" it.  After that you need to
> reinstall lilo, edit lilo.conf, run lilo, and your golden.

There should not be a need to reinstall lilo unless files in the lilo package 
(such as /boot/*.b) are corrupted.  Editing lilo.conf should not be necessary 
if the only problem is a corrupted boot sector or file.

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