On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 04:41:10PM +0200, vester keil wrote:
> i am experiencing problems with my soundcard on a sony vaio pcg-sr1k --
> the soundcard is yamaha ymf-754 and it has been working on my old suse
> system using alsa drivers. since i upgraded to debian however i cannot

I have a vaio F-650 which also uses a Yamaha chipset, although not the exact
same one...lspci says: 
Yamaha Corporation YMF-744B [DS-1S Audio Controller] (rev 02)

> seem to get it to work. i've installed the alsa .deb's and selected my
> card with alsaconf, i've been using kernel 2.4.2 with sound support, but
> i just changed that and am now loading sound support as modules.
> /etc/init.d/alsa start presents me the following output:
> Starting ALSA sound driver (version none):modprobe: Can't locate module
> snd no devfs available (even though using the kernel with devfs).

I managed to get mine working by compiling the OSS sound modules (soundcore,
IIRC) and selecting "YMFPCI" in the kernel configs.  I don't load them as
modules, however - I built mine directly into the kernel (so YMMV).  Here's
what I get in dmesg:

ymfpci0: YMF744 at 0xfedf8000 IRQ 9
ac97_codec: AC97 Audio codec, vendor id1: 0x414b, id2: 0x4d02 (Unknown)
Sound initialization started
Sound initialization complete

It seems to play wav/mp3's just fine.  I do have problems with the Flash
plugin under Netscape, however (the sound is _really_ choppy).  I haven't
found a fix for that yet (mainly because I don't visit that many
flash-required sites ;P )

Hopefully this will help, or at least point you in the right direction.  One
of these days I'll get around to trying ALSA out =)


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