Let me intoduce myself first. I am Anup from India. I am looking in the net
for buying a digital camera - one with compact flash card. I got ur mail
address from one of the replies u had given for a query on compact flash
card. I hope u will be able to answer my query..
I have a desktop PC - windows, and no USB port. The cameras now adays come
with USB cables. I saw that the CF card is IDE compatible. Does it mean that
I can directly connect the CF card to the IDE interface (as if connecting a
HD), or do I need to have some interface to connect it to the IDE cable.
I understand that if I buy a PCMCIA adaptor for CF card I can use it in the
PCMCIA slot of a laptop and in that case also will I see the CF card as a
Hard disk?
I will be really grateful if u can answer my queries...
Thanx a lot in advance//
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