On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 01:17:15AM +1100, Drew Parsons wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 10, 2001 at 12:13:16AM +1100, Drew Parsons wrote:
> > 
> > >From what you've been saying, it looks like I can be reasonably confident a
> > larger drive will work without too much trouble, even if I have to install
> > one of those BIOS-enhancing programs for it.
> > 
> > I'll post a follow-up message once I've got the chance to test and install 
> > one
> > of the larger drives.
> > 
> And here's my follow up:  I finally got the new hard-drive, and it's working
> just great.  I settled for 20GB, and Linux recognises it no-questions-asked.
> I checked before purchasing by plugging the drive in place (easy to do once
> you know where to look*) and running potato install disks - the partitioning
> step, running cfdisk, found all 20 GB.
> As far as the BIOS goes, there may or may not be issues putting the boot
> sector higher than 8GB.  I'm quite happy to leave the boot partition down
> low, so this (possibly non-existing) problem doesn't bother me.
Anyone know if the Toshiba Portege 3010/3015 use drives that can be
replaced after-market in this fashion?  Toshibas available upgrades
aren't worth the money and they're not very big.


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