On Monday 19 March 2001 20:16, Roger Shaffer wrote:
> I have a Compaq Presario 1640 laptop that happily ran Linux in a
> dual-boot situation for the last year and a half.  Recently the hard
> drive failed and, once it was replaced, I thought it would be a perfect
> opportunity to reclaim some disk space and reinstall only Linux.
> Unfortunately, Compaq does some wierd proprietary partitioning things to
> the hard drive and BIOS so that any installation of just Linux leaves me
> with a working copy that will give all sorts of write past sector and
> data corruption errors.  Compaq is less than forthcoming about how to
> overcome this.
> So, has anyone had success installing Linux on a Compaq laptop?  If so,
> how did you overcome the partition issue?

At a company I used to work for we were all issued with Compaq laptops.  With 
mine I reduced the size of the Windows partition and happily ran dual-boot 
Linux and Win98 with no problems.

Some of my colleagues tried making it all Linux and had some rather nasty 
problems.  My impression was that the Compaq laptop BIOS wants something 
special on the hard drive (as Compaq Desktop's used to do in the 80's).

I never had a need to track this down properly (I wanted dual-boot).

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