> > Hmm.  Could someone with a DOS partition setup please tell me the name and 
> > attributes of such a file?  Maybe if I use a file with the right name and 
> > attributes it'll just work...
> Nope.

Nope because it needs the correct beginning contents, not because it wasn't
a good thought.

> The BIOS needs to know the offset of the file, of course.

Yes, but it should be able to figure this out as long as it's in the root 
directory on the FAT, since that's a fixed size and location to search

> As soon as you move it you're screwed.
> Andreas Mohr

If so, that's nasty - a libretto I was messing with was perfectly happy
for me to just mess around with it as long as I put its precious file 
back in the FAT volume at the beginning before I was through.

(in ref to my previous note: no, I didn't check whether the libretto was
robust about where the FAT partition itself sat on the drive.  Sorry.)

* Heather Stern * star@ many places...

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