On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 11:27:00PM -0500, Paul Johnston wrote:
> I'm setting up an X server on a VAIO PictureBook and not for the first time I 
> might add.  The only modeline value for this machine is 1024x480.  On xinit I 
> get a Fatal servor error: No valid modes found.  Tracing back up the display 
> I find the SVGA server has removed that mode claiming it won't display 
> properly on LCD (strange as it's worked fine before) .  Where do I go now?  
> Is there an incantation I can place in the XF86Config to get around this or 
> go to another rev of the server?
> Paul

On my toshiba Libretto (800x480) I had to add a option to the XServer: 
override_valid_modes, and then create a modeline of 800x480, after that it 
worked like a charm... If you have no luck, I can post my Config file..

Good luck..



Life is but an Illusion of Death

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