This question isn't strictly Linux, but I hope you'll be kind :) I have a Toshiba 490CDT model, which comes with a 3.8GB harddrive, and the Toshiba docs seem to be saying that the maximum drive that can put in the computer is 6GB.
Now I would like to upgrade my drive, and jumping to a 10GB or 20GB drive would seem much more sensible to me at the moment than 6GB. I am thus extremely frustrated about this alleged 6GB limit. It doesn't make sense, seems unnecessary. I know there was some 2GB limit under DOS on older BIOSes, and I seem to recall an 8GB in Win95 or Win98, OS driven rather than BIOS driven. But a 6GB limit? What's that supposed to mean? Is it really a BIOS limitation? Is there really any good reason why Toshiba can't update the BIOS to handle larger drives ? (I've recently updated to the latest 8.0 BIOS, but Toshiba, in their wonderfully helpful proprietryness, neglected to provide a README explaining exactly what it was the new BIOS fixed). I would have thought, if the drive fits inside physically, and if the cables fit in properly, then why wouldn't it handle 10 or 20GB? In a cynical moment I'm inclined to think they refuse to update the drive handling as a marketing ploy to make you buy the latest model (which of course would only force me to look at another brand altogether). Anyway, I'm writing to ask if any of you can confirm the reality of this kind of drive-size limitation? If it is real, can you explain why? Do I just have to put up with it, or do I have a "right" to be cranky with Toshiba about it? And can anyone say what the 8.0 BIOS improved over the older 7.2 or 7.5 BIOSes? Thanks, Drew -- PGP public key available at Fingerprint: A110 EAE1 D7D2 8076 5FE0 EC0A B6CE 7041 6412 4E4A