I've been working with getting Debian running in all its glory on an IBM Thinkpad T21, and am pretty pleased -- except for one tiny issue.
The T21 has a large button with a blue marking underneath the left- and right-`mouse' buttons. Under Windows, this is used as a scroll button. I'd like to set this up as a middle mouse button, but I'm not sure how. I can't just remap it with xmodmap, since it's currently not even being read by X (tested using xev). In addition, none of the mouse configurations in gpm seem to activate it. Anyone have any ideas? -- Stephen L. Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP fingerprint: A1BF 5A81 03E7 47CE 71E0 3BD4 8DA6 9268 5BB6 4BBE "Poodle: The other white meat." -- Sherman, Sherman's Lagoon