On Sun, Mar 04, 2001 at 08:21:39AM -0800, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> Can you provide pointer to TOSHIBA ML? (in English)

ML instructions attached.


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--- Begin Message ---
[ML guide]

This mailing list service (ML) has set up for the purpose of
supporting information exchange between Linux users on Toshiba PC all
over the world. 

We try to investigate and respond to the questions brought up to the
ML. It, however, will take some time to give the response or some of
the questions will not be answered according to its contents.  Your
understanding is appreciated. 

[How to play with the ML]

This ML server has a lot of functions. Please send English command
phrases/words to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.


*** The ML control commands should be sent to
*** <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Please note that the address is
*** different from the subscribers' mailing list address.  Write the
*** following commands and send to the above mentioned address. 

1. Unsubscribe
  To unsubscribe ML <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, send "unsubscribe" in
the mail body to the address <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

2. Change address
    chaddr <old address>  <new address>

3.Temporary discontinue subscribing / Reactivate
  To stop the delivery for a vacation, send "off" in the mail body to
  To start the delivery again, send "on" in the same way.

4.Other usage of commands

5.Status check
*** In case of delivery error and so on, the administrator will have
*** to stop the delivery the corresponding address (off).  If you find
*** no delivery to your mail address, please do the status check to
*** resolve the error, and then reactivate your subscription.

  ### Please be informed that this mail is delivered to you on ###
  ### regular basis once a week.                               ###

                          [EMAIL PROTECTED] Administrator
                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---

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