On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 01:39:48PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> has anyone had this problem?  with kernel 2.4.1 and up (i think for kernel 
> 2.4.0 too, can't remember) on my thinkpad 600x my kernel reports:
>       Detected 172.927 MHz processor.

This is probably because you booted while on battery power, and your bios
is setup to use some 'low power mode' when on battery. This will slow down
your cpu.

My own toshiba 8000 actually always runs at 170 Mhz instead of the 400,
even when it's on the wall outlet when this setting is turned on.

So change your bios settings, and you should be seeing the 650 come back
(or maybe just plug in the power cable, and it may be back to normal.)


> although i know it's a 650MHz processor and is detected as such under 
> 2.2.18pre22?  it feels to me to be running at the proper speed, but with 
> linux's awesome multitasking capabilities, maybe i just can't tell ;-)  
> anyway, i haven't compiled the tpctl modules or installed them, so i haven't 
> played with the fact that the kernel is reporting some speedstepped speed, 
> and i'm not running full speed.
> is this a common bug that i should ignore, or am i running under speed?
> nathanp.

Mark Janssen                     Unix Consultant @ SyConOS IT
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