On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 05:25:55PM +0000, Jo Geraerts wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Sebastian Schaffert wrote:
> > Yes, I have the same laptop and the same problem with all 4.0 versions I 
> > tried.
> > I submitted a bug report to XFree86 about 2 or 3 months ago, but didn't get 
> > an
> > answer yet.
> It works on my 7300 with 4.0.2 and the siliconmotion driver. If you want
> i'll send you my config. But, there are some bugs in the driver, sometimes
> the screen isn't redrawed correctly and the server crashes
> sometimes. Maybe it's because i'm using framebuffers for my console.

Would be great if you send me your config.:-)

The last version that I tried was the 4.0.2pre that came with debian unstable.
I didn't have the time to experiment any further (and risk data loss!) the
last few months.

BTW: I am using the siliconmotion driver of XFree86 3.3.6 and have frame buffers
on console without any problems.


* Sebastian Schaffert                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* - IT-Beratung                                             +49-171-3177535 *
* - Individualsoftware                                   Frühlingstrasse 25 *
* - Linux-Lösungen                                       D-83278 Traunstein *

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