On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 09:33:29PM -0800, Donnie Jones wrote: > > > > Anyway, my guess is the solution is simple: edit > > /etc/pcmcia/network.opts, > > which is where the IP address and routing info goes. > > The file should be > > straightforward to follow I hope. > > > > I have tried to attain the network.opts file, but it > is not automatically generated and I can't find the > documentation that I previously had for the command to > execute to create the file. >
Hmm, that's a bit odd. It's usually there automatically, just waiting to be edited. Are you sure you have pcmcia-cs fully installed? That's the control programs for pcmcic cards (you also need the kernel modules from pcmcia-modules, but that's a separate package), and creates /etc/pcmcia/network.opts. There's also utility program out there somewhere I think, which helps create the file, but I can never remember what the utility is called (probably /usr/sbin/pcnetconfig). Anyway, editing by hand is easy enough once you have the default file from pcmcia-cs. Drew -- PGP public key available at http://dparsons.webjump.com/drewskey.txt Fingerprint: A110 EAE1 D7D2 8076 5FE0 EC0A B6CE 7041 6412 4E4A