Hi! With the help of Maarten Slaets I managed to let winme have the option to boot into dos. So now loadlin works, but it hangs after loading the kernel and root image. If I type (from the install.bat):
loadlin linux root=/dev/ram initrd=root.bin disksize=1.44 it says that it loads the kernel and the root image, then it clears the screen and the only thing left is a blinking cursor. The system hangs rock solid. I don't know how loadlin works (first time, use floppies al the time but I don't have a floppy drive on this one), but I guess it is a kernel problem, because loadlin only prints the dots for the loading of the kernel and the root image, but does not give any output you see with a normal linux boot. I've tried several kernels from debian (ao idepci) and the latest 2.2 and 2.4 homebuilt and with different configs, but nothing changed. I've also tried different root images (idepci). Can it also be a dos problem because it is hacked winme? The system is a sony vaio c1ve (european c1vn) with the transmeta crusoe processor. The distribution is debian. Tia for any info! Ookhoi