[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joseph Schlecht) writes:

> I have three PC's and a laptop running debian. They are all
> networked together, one of the PC's is soon to be an NFS/NIS
> server. I am doing this to share /home and other common directories.
> Sharing /home should be no problem for the PC's, however I don't know what I 
> am going to do with my laptop. Since I am always roaming other networks, I 
> would like to have /home from my network replicated on my laptop and when I 
> get to my home network, sync up any changes that are made. 

I do most of my work on an IBM Thinkpad 570 running Debian GNU/Linux,
but for safety I keep my home directory synchronized on three
different servers as well; the home server in the Area 41 collective,
the private server box I keep at work and, of course, the NFS server
at work.

I do the actual synchronization manually, using rsync over ssh. I use

rsync -e ssh -q --links --times --update --delete  -r --exclude 'no-rsync' ~/ 

aliased as "jobsync", for ease of typing.

For more information on rsync, visit:


I'm really interested in development of offline capabilities in
network filesystems such as Coda, but I wouldn't trust any of them in
a production environment just yet. I put my faith in rsync for the
time being. It hasn't failed me yet.

Mikael "MC" Cardell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Temple of the Moby Hack
Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.

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