The laptop is a Digital HiNote Ultra 2000, runs Debian 2.2_0. No upgrade expect a recompiled kernel. When X starts, I sometimes get a screen (color between green and blue) instead of the xdm login.
It happened 5 to 10 times in the 82 boots I had since I installed Debian. It disappears if I switch to console and switch back to X. I never had that on my desktop machines. Did anybody encounter anything like that? Do you think it can be dangerous for the screen? Happy hacking and happy new year. Jerome ++ Jérôme Lacoste - Software Engineer - Smart Card Systems. [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+47) 2295 8928 Forskningsparken, Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 Oslo, NORWAY
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Lacoste;Jérôme;;Mr. FN:Jérôme Lacoste ORG:Smart Card Systems A.S. TITLE:Software Engineer NOTE: TEL;WORK;VOICE:+47 22 95 85 97 TEL;HOME;VOICE:+47 22603915 ADR;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;Forskningsparken=0D=0AGaustadall=E9en 21;Oslo;;0349;Norway LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Forskningsparken=0D=0AGaustadall=E9en 21=0D=0AOslo 0349=0D=0ANorway ADR;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;Eugenies Gate 7-2=0D=0A4 etg;Oslo;;0168;Norway LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Eugenies Gate 7-2=0D=0A4 etg=0D=0AOslo 0168=0D=0ANorway ADR;POSTAL:;;Route de Briscous;Urt;;64240;France LABEL;POSTAL;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Route de Briscous=0D=0AUrt 64240=0D=0AFrance ROLE:Software Engineer BDAY:20001025 EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] EMAIL;INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] REV:20000731T090706Z END:VCARD