On Monday 18 December 2000 12:07, Terry 'Mongoose' Hendrix II wrote: > Russell Coker wrote: > > It's a Thinkpad T20, the latest series from IBM, it's one of the fastest > > laptops on the market. It was previously working fine until I recompiled > > my kernel (with the same version and options as before). This machine > > outperforms most desktop machines that are being sold today, and for > > server type operations outperforms most Sun server machines. > > hahaha, no it's not faster than most suns - a p3 @ 700Mhz is slower than > a sparc @ 250Mhz, because x86 wastes so many clock cycles. Also sparc > chips are multstreaming and can do many more operations per clock. =)
That's a nice theory. But when I use CPU intensive programs like gzip on SPARC and Intel machines I find that I get about the same amount of work done MHz for MHz on Intel and SPARC. In my tests a P2 @ 400MHz is faster than a SPARC at 250MHz. BTW I don't really care what programs like SPEC-CPU say about CPU performance. Programs that I run and which use lots of CPU time such as gzip, and clfmerge run faster on Intel. > > The symptoms (for the third time) are that the screen goes entirely blank > > but then anything which is re-drawn (for any reason) displays fine. > > If you didn't change your X server or libs, then check your BIOS > settings and make sure you're not using something that would lag > refresh. It's also possible you enabled something foo in APM when you > recompiled your kernel. What do you mean "lag refresh"? Each pixel suddenly has it's value set to black. I did install a new X server (ver 4.0) at the same time. But the problem also occurs in console mode with no X server running. -- http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/ Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark http://www.coker.com.au/postal/ Postal SMTP/POP benchmark http://www.coker.com.au/projects.html Projects I am working on http://www.coker.com.au/~russell/ My home page