>>>>> "Calum" == Calum Mackay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Calum> Is anyone running XFree86 4.0.1 and able to help me with keyboard
    Calum> mappings? I'm running on a Dell Inspiron 7500 (Debian woody).

    Calum> I've just upgraded (actually re-installed the whole system) from
    Calum> 3.x, and it's all change - now my keys are all in the "wrong"
    Calum> place. This used to be controlled via the XF86Config file, but no
    Calum> more.

XF86 4 uses the XF86Config-4 file instead.

What kind of strange keymappings do you get?  Are your letter keys all messed
up, or is it just the modifiers (Ctrl, Shift, etc.)

    Calum> I have XKB, but the man pages seem to be a little unclear :)

Basic xkb command:
setxkbmap us
sets your keyboard mapping to us layout.

I would suggest looking into the xkeycaps program (I think it's in its own
package).  It's a graphical program to set the key mappings.  Problem is, it
uses the xmodmap mechanism instead of xkb, and I've heard you're not supposed
to mix the two.  But I've been doing that for a while, and had no problems.

    Calum> cheers, Calum.

FWIW, I'm running XF86 4, and I'm not having any problems.


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