Petr Hlustik wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 04:04:34PM -0500, Joanne Hunter wrote:
> > >  I have the Linksys Ethernet + modem PCMCIA card (PCMLM56) and can't
> > >  get the modem to work (the Ethernet worked right after potato
> > >  install). The system is Toshiba 2545 XCDT.
> > 
> > I hate to have to tell you this, but...
> > The modem in that card is a Lucent winmodem. There's a driver for it
> > (look on 

No, it's not.  I have that card and it works just fine with no extra drivers
needed.  Just used it briefly about half an hour ago, in fact.  And I do
*not* have any special drivers for it.

> I can try installing the Lucent winmodem driver but I hate to think that
> either Linksys has changed the chip in mid-production or there is some
> really deceiving advertising going on.

Unless Linksys changed the chip in midproduction, this card is a real modem. 
The one I have is, at any rate.  Serial number LF97142808
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
                      | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E            | for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV         | beginning of all unwisdom.

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