Hello Debianers, I have a problem with my ct65535 and the Sharp 640x480 LCD in my AT&T Globalyst 130 laptop. Description: I can't get the screen to sync. When I start X I get a scrumbled screen. It goes away, when I do a LCD/CRT/LCD switch. I already used the UseModeLine option and fiddled with the modelines, but to now avail. None of the X-Setup programs in debian (xfconfig, xfsetup) will create me a correct modeline, and xvidtune fails either. Now, when I exit X, the console is crumbled either, which also goes away with a LCD/CRT/LCD switch. This could perhaps be restored with the TextClockFreq option but havn't tried yet. As in the last time, I only started X to look at my typeset TeX-documents with xdvi, and this is a bit of a overhead (8 Meg RAM machine), I decided to purge X and install SVGAlib. Now the strange thing: If I display GNUplot plots, the switch to graphics mode works! Now when it switches back to textmode, the console is garbled, I do LCD/CRT/LCD -> restored. But if I start dvisvga, the graphics mode is garbled too! I've been fighting with this problem very long, and finally decided to contact the list. So my question: Is there a utility to find out about the TextClockFrequency used at the console at bootup? And how can I find out about the correct modelines (already had a look at kenneth harkers page, but didn't find anything, that fitted)? Note beside: With windoze (which I finally banned two years ago from all of my computers), graphics mode worked (Calm down folks, it was the only thing that worked really o.k. ;-) But I suppose there's no way to find out about the modes and clocks, which that OS uses.
Regards, Daniel