On 2000-11-08 10:36, Sale, Nigel wrote:
>Sorry if this is off topic, but this is the most relevant list i subscribe
> to,
>I have a rather old 486 laptop which had a bit of a funny turn the other day
> and advanced the date by 20 years !. It was a couple of days before i
> realised and now i have a load of files with are dated 20 years in the
> future.
>Does anybody know how i can first find all these files ? I'm sure i should
> be able to use the find comand but can't find the right options, And
> secondly, any way to subract 20 yeats from a files creation date ?

How about:
touch /tmp/test
find / -newer /tmp/test -exec touch {} \;

If you can't program in C, PERL, and shell scripts then don't call yourself a
Unix administrator. Every idiot on the net is claiming to be a Unix admin. :(
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